
Please note: This page is under construction and has not been finished yet.



Directory constants

Path constants

User constants

General Site Constants

Userclass constants


Userclass constants ID's 243 - 245 are reserved for future predefined user classes

Language constants

Development constants

// define('eDEBUG', true); // Enable debug mode to allow displaying of errors // define('e_HTTP_STATIC', ''); // Use a static subdomain for js/css/images etc. // define('e_MOD_REWRITE_STATIC', true); // Rewrite static image urls. // define('e_LOG_CRITICAL', true); // log critical errors but do not display them to user. // define('e_GIT', 'path-to-git'); // Path to GIT for developers // define('X-FRAME-SAMEORIGIN', false); // Option to override X-Frame-Options // define('e_PDO, true); // Enable PDO mode (used in PHP > 7 and when mysql* methods are not available)

Theme constants

Plugin constants

Core plugins

Social plugin

Last updated